
The Dianetics ® Volcano: Sci Fi Freemasonry



The Dianetics volcano is probably the most predominant archetypal image displayed in Scientology ®. Scientology promotes that the volcano symbolizes the explosive results obtainable by Hubbard's Dianetics methods. Scientology's theological website presents a paper written by Prof. Régis Dericquebourg, wherein he argues how Scientology fulfills the criteria for being called a bonafide religion. Prof. Dericquebourg differentiates religion from magic and freemasonry.
(See http://www.bonafidescientology.org/append/04/index.htm)

This paper will discuss the hidden occult significance of the volcano, and what it signifies.

Dianetics Mythology

At the level of OT 3, Hubbard ® taught that every person on Earth is suffering from the residual effects of a disastrous galactic incident dated at 75 million years ago. To solve overpopulation in the "Galactic Federation", inhabitants of 76 nearby planets were mass exterminated and brought to volcanic sites on Earth. The volcanoes were exploded with H-bombs. After this, the souls of these victims were transported to two main volcanic sites and implanted with a 36-day potpourri of pictures, including archetypal images of God, the devil, angels, etc. The souls were then "packaged" into clusters. They remain in this condition until addressed with Scientology counseling at OT 3. The single entities in the clusters are known in Scientology as "body thetans."

Hubbard taught that the collateral damage of the OT 3 incident continues to manifest on an individual and collective basis today; this catastrophic "incident" is given as the spiritual source for mankind's degradation. In Hubbard's cosmology, no one on earth escapes literal infestation of these "body thetans"--they stick to bodies and sometimes jump around humans, like fleas jump from dog to dog. This science fiction plot enables a spiritual basis for proselytizing by Scientologists: Only Dianetics and Scientology solve the cosmic problem of the OT 3 incident. [1]

In Rosicrucian doctrine, volcanic eruptions compensate for the excessive materialism generated by humanity. The image to the right shows how the physical volcano balances spiritual energies located at various strata of the earth. [2] The strata are classes of spiritual energies in ascending order of consciousness, with the conscious energy of mankind existing in the 9th stratum as "the material expression of the Earth Spirit."

The infinity symbol in the diagram represents The "Center of Being of the Earth Spirit." The Earth Spirit is part of a larger spiritual hierarchy corresponding to other planets and the Sun. In turn, the solar system is a member of an even larger Universal Hierarchy going out to Infinity. The realm of the Earth Spirit corresponds to what Hubbard termed the 8th dynamic, represented with the same infinity symbol.

Hubbard discussed the character of God in 8-8008, expressing that the individual's universe is the microcosm where the physical universe is the macrocosm. [3] He also discussed the hierarchy of gods, saying:

There are gods above all other gods. Anything which has wide acceptance and has been successful, wherever suns shine and planets swing, is based upon some fundamental truth.

[...] There are gods above all other gods, and gods beyond the gods of universes, but it were better, far better, to be a raving madman in his cell than to be a thing with the ego, cruelty and jealous lust that base religions have set up to make men grovel down. [4]

--L. Ron Hubbard ®

Scientology does not address the 8th dynamic or Infinity. Rather, it is necessary for the person to fully resolve lesser realms (through Scientology, of course) before being capable of understanding the true 8th dynamic. [5] Hubbard's system teaches that by going up the Bridge ®, Scientologists are improving their hierarchal position as gods.

Other Rosicrucian teachings talk of a magical mountain wherein lies vast treasures. The way to the mountain is very treacherous, and guarded with terrible beasts. It should only navigated on a certain night, with the help of a Guide. When the mountain is reached, there are terrible winds that shake the mountain to pieces. One encounters more beastly creatures, from which one is protected by the Guide. Earthquakes are followed by a fire that consumes the earthly rubbish. Near dawn, the treasure is perceived, which is a tincture that can turn the world to pure gold. The aspirant's Guide will teach him in the use of this tincture. This alchemical allegory embodies instructions regarding the achievement of psychological and spiritual victory. Gold represents completion of the Great Work.

Hubbard's drug-inspired volcano story literalizes Rosicrucian alchemical instructions. Hubbard's H-bombs cause terrific winds and earthquakes. "Xenu" supplied the "beasts" through his mass extermination and soul-transporting efforts. Scientology auditors are Hubbard's version of the Guide. In doing OT 3, one confronts the beasts (body thetans) and supposedly emerges through Scientology's "Wall of Fire" in a state that is "free from overwhelm." (The Scientology training lion represents the training of the beast.)

After completing the advanced levels at Scientology's organization in Clearwater (Flag ®), one is ready for the first "real" OT ® level--OT 8. Flag's mountain logo represents the transformation of the volcano into a snow-capped island, thus signifying safe passage through the walls of fire.

Scientology now admits that their religion is incompatible with the Jewish and Christian faiths, and instead tries to align with an esoteric form of the Buddhist religion. [6] This posture is completely contrary to Hubbard's own promises made in the 1950's about the compatibility of Scientology with Christianity. [7] It is more true that Scientology aligns with a bastardized version of Aleister Crowley's ceremonial magick, which in turn incorporated various esoteric Buddhist methods from a Golden Dawn initiate and Buddhist monk: Ananda Metteyya.

Whereas Dianetics is sold as a entry level approach to spiritual healing and makes no mention of body thetans, Hubbard revealed in advanced materials that lower level Dianetics accomplishes the elimination of body thetans on preclears, but that they are not yet ready to know the secret doctrine at OT 3. Hubbard's "technology" treats lower level Scientologists as walking clusters of body thetans.

Auditing up to and including OT 2 "breaks up the overall cluster" and allows the member to pass through the "Wall of Fire" known as OT 3. This wall of fire corresponds to the fiery stratum given in the Rosicrucian diagram referenced earlier.

New Era Dianetics ® for OTs (or "NOTs ®") is Scientology's second "Wall of Fire." The body thetans addressed at this level correspond roughly to the reflecting stratum in the Rosicrucian diagram referenced above. These are thought forms and elementary spirits from the place of the dead.

A cluster of body thetans behaves exactly as what psychologists term a "complex." A complex is a set of related unconscious ideas held together in a common theme. (For example, a "mother complex" is a cluster of unconscious ideas someone would have about "mother.") Lower level Dianetics and Scientology auditing address a wide array of these complexes. By the time Scientologists reach OT 3, these complexes are entirely projected; Scientologists have at that point been psychologically processed and indoctrinated into viewing their complexes as autonomous entities.

The procedure for banishing entities at OT 3 differs from the more advanced levels of NOTs. While "entities" addressed at OT 3 are made to recount the narrative volcanic event, those addressed at the level of NOTs are treated more closely in line with the psychological complex theory. The auditing process at NOTs consists of splitting apart the complex (cluster) by locating the essential theme of the complex. The basic commands for NOTs are "What are you?" and "Who are you?" These commands are telepathically intended into the projected complex. The complex, as an external entity, "gives back answers" to the person being audited.

Rosicrucian philosophy relates the cause for volcanic disasters to morality issues:

As might be gathered from the fact that it is the reflected immorality and anti-spiritual tendencies of mankind which arouse the Nature-forces in the seventh stratum to destructive activity, it is generally profligate and degenerate people who succumb to these catastrophes. They, together with others whose destiny, self-generated under the law of Consequence, for various reasons, involves a violent death, are gathered from many lands by the superhuman forces, to the point where the eruption is to occur. [8]

--Max Heindel

Hubbard created a science fiction plot surrounding volcanic symbolism that supposedly accomplishes the same natural process of "restoring spiritual integrity" without the literal volcano. He "solved" the morality situation with his ethics technology that was developed in the years immediately prior to the release of OT 3. Hubbard asserted that the purpose of ethics is to "get the tech in", which is to say, it enables the person to progress up Scientology's Bridge without external opposition. Hubbard's brand of ethics constitutes control mechanisms that guarantee continued adherence to Scientology and license the attack of those who criticize or oppose his operation.

Hubbard branded his ethics technology with occult symbolism as well. On the cover of every ethics book is an image of an old man that acts in the capacity of a judge. In a convoluted way, this imagery corresponds with freemasonry symbolism of "The Old Man in the Mountain." The Freemasonry "Old Man" is the biblical "Enoch," revered as a human who, by reason of his moral stature, "walked with God" and was instructed in the superior "magical" ways of his extraterrestrial benefactors.

Fig.1 [9]

Fig. 2 [9]

Fig. 3 [9]

In Hubbard's science fiction version of freemasonry myth, the perpetrator of the OT 3 incident was a character named Xenu. The name "Xenu" is a play on the Sumerian god Anu, the evil alien who was antipathetic to humans and to the alien group who protected them. Hubbard's Scientology is the continuation of the conflict between Anu and the group loyal to humans. Hubbard's ethics and justice technology is the weapon he created that fights this war both internally and in Scientology's intelligence and litigation efforts.

Psychologically, Enoch and Anu combine as personality and shadow personality. "Xen-" means "stranger" or "foreigner"--Hubbard's Xenu was an alien invader of the Galactic Federation. His sci fi plot placed Xenu in a mountain trap as the shadow personality of Enoch. (Hubbard referred to the reactive mind as the "shadow mind" in Dianetics: The Original Thesis.)

To complete the puzzle, Hubbard was known in the Ordo Templi Orientis as "Frater X." [10] This is the "X" in Xenu. The villain of Hubbard's science fiction plot is Hubbard's hidden reference to himself.

A later incarnation of Anu is the Egyptian god Anubis (-bis means "for a second time.") Anubis was the shadow or "brother" of Horus. The new Aeon prophesized by Aleister Crowley is called the Age of Horus. Those of us who lived through the 60's and 70's will recall the popular song, Dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Crowley's Age of Horus is associated with the astrological movement of the Sun from the zodiacal sign of Pisces into Aquarius. The approximate 2000-year cycle of each astrological age carries with it psychological and spiritual themes connected with its sign. The passing age of Pisces was the Age of Osirus--as Crowley put it, The Age of the Dying God or Christianity. Though some astrologers believe that the change of the age occurred sometime around the year 2000, this is not a universally accepted opinion by current top astrologers. In any event, the changing of an age is thought to be marked by evolutionary changes in consciousness of mankind.

It is not without occult significance that Hubbard called himself the "Old Man." He used Enoch-ian magick in a set of magical rituals called The Babalon Working. The expected result of that working is the incarnation of a vehicle with which to bring in the New Aeon. Hubbard clearly intended that Dianetics and Scientology be that vehicle. [11] Scientology rhetoric is riddled with promotions of Scientology's "Golden Age of Tech," all carefully concealing and twisting its Golden Dawn origins. (The Golden Dawn is a Rosicrucian freemasonry society.)

It is no coincidence that Hubbard, who called Crowley his "very good friend," would capitalize on magick and psychology to create his "global religion." Hubbard's cosmology is simply a sci fi version of "Crowleyized" Freemasonry secrets, hopelessly mired in his twisted and self-serving psychological mind control. Hubbard injected "himself" into the minds of all Scientologists, and at the same time demanded that somehow he would be solved.

[0] Image modified from a Dianetics Modern Science of Mental Health brochure © 2000 CSI
See also: http://www.dianetics.org/dnhome.html

[1] For a detailed summary of this incident, see: http://www.xenu.net/archive/ot/peter_forde.html

A critical analysis of the OT 3 incident has been done, which shows how the OT 3 incident could not possibly have happened: http://www.xs4all.nl/~kspaink/fishman/ot3.html

[2] Image from The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception by Max Heindel © 1937 Mrs. Max Heindel Online version of the referenced material is here: http://www.rosicrucian.com/rcc/rcceng18.htm
Online diagram at http://www.rosicrucian.com/images/rccen018.gif

See also: The Secret Teachings of All Ages (Chapter CLIX) by Manly Hall.

[3] Hubbard, L. Ron, 8-8008 (Chapter Affinity, Communication and Reality: Behavior of Universes) © 1989 L. Ron Hubbard Library

[4] Hubbard, L. Ron, 8-8008 (Chapter Differentiation, Association and Identification: I am-I am not) © 1989 L. Ron Hubbard Library

[5] http://www.bonafidescientology.org/chapter/02/page18.htm

[6] http://www.bonafidescientology.org/chapter/02/page08.htm

[7] See: The Golden Dawn An Invitation to Freedom (a truncated version of this 1954 periodical appears in Scientology's Technical Volumes)

[8] Heindel, Max The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception © 1937 Mrs. Max Heindel

[9] Three (modified) cover versions of Introduction to Scientology Ethics by L. Ron Hubbard
Fig. 1 © 1985 by L. Ron Hubbard
Fig. 2 © 1989 L. Ron Hubbard Library
Fig 3. © 1998 L. Ron Hubbard Library

See also: http://www.bridgepub.com/Xmas/30/index.html

[10] http://www.zolatimes.com/jparart/JackParsons.html

[11] See Dianetics: The Original Thesis by L. Ron Hubbard or its current title: The Dynamics of Life (Chapter An Analogy of the Mind)

For a description of Hubbard's participation with Parsons in the Babalon Working, see: Sex and Rockets The Occult World of Jack Parsons by John Carter © 1999 John Carter and Feral House

For an explanation (sympathetic to Crowley's system) of the astrological basis for the "New Aeon," see: The Demons & Gods of the New Millennium by Lon Milo DuQuette © 1997 Lon Milo DuQuette

© 2001 Caroline Letkeman
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