Flag's Advanced Organization Opening Event
May 5, 2001
From Source ® Magazine Magazine of the Flag Land Base, Issue #134 © 2001 CSFSO

Note: Sea Org members in white uniforms, and Captain of the Flag Service Organization (Flag ® or FSO) standing in front of the pillar configuration on stage.

Image caption: "All of this is for you, so you can move swiftly and certainly to levels of awareness and ability never before attainable in the countless aeons of the past. All you need to do is seize the moment and START, and we'll take care of the rest." --Captain Flag Service Org at the Grand Opening Ceremony

Scientology emphasizes that the individual cannot attain full spiritual freedom outside of their "confidential" advanced programming, some of which is available only at the Flag Service Organization in Clearwater, FL. As promoted above, members need only pay and arrive for service. If they pass comprehensive security checks using Scientology's lie detector, they are proclaimed eligible to have this programming by the Advanced Organization's technical hierachy.


© 2001 Caroline Letkeman
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